For Immediate Release
Law Offices of
Solomon, Saltsman & Jamieson
A Partnership Including Professional Corporations
426 Culver Blvd.
Playa del Rey, CA 90293
Office – 310-822-9848 / 800-405-4222
Fax – 310-822-3512
“Was that a flash?” you ask yourself as you’re driving
through the intersection, knowing that you were proceeding safely
and hoping the camera’s picture shows you were already in the
intersection when the light changed from yellow to red.
It will take about a month to know if you’ll be issued a
ticket in the mail for running a red light, or for a rolling right
turn violation. Hopefully you won’t receive a citation but if
you do, here are your options.
Who Was Driving?
If the camera’s picture shows that someone else, and not the
owner, was driving your car (with your license plate number), you
may receive what is called a “snitch ticket” from the police
department. But this is not an “official” ticket and does have
the complete information (Notice to Appear) about how to contact
the court. With a “snitch ticket”, the police are pressuring
you to come forward and identify who was driving your car. You
have the right to remain silent, but be sure to understand what
type of ticket has been issued.
It Was You Behind The Wheel
Once you have received your ticket, there are several decisions to
make. The citation fine and traffic school fees are approximately
$500. But by paying the fine and attending traffic school, it will
keep the violation off your DMV record and prevent higher
insurance costs. Just don’t get issued another traffic ticket in
the next 18 months, because you may not be able to again attend
traffic school.
Contesting the Citation
A red light camera ticket in the State of California is difficult
to contest. In 2009, Los Angeles had revenue of over $6 million
from camera citations and Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger wants the
cameras to be upgraded to also catch speeders.
If you choose to represent yourself, here’s what should
File a discovery request, to get as many documents as possible
about your case. These documents would include - the original
contract between the government agency and the red light camera
manufacturer, the camera’s maintenance record; high resolution
images of the driver and the entire red light video 12 second
sequence; signal timing charts and the source code used in
programming the red light camera.
Apply for a trial by written declaration. If you lose in
written declaration, go to court and tell your story to the judge.
Several defense options include - was it an unclear picture of
the driver, poor signage, a malfunctioning camera and inaccurate
yellow light timing.
You Decide
You can always pay the ticket and traffic school fees. But you can
choose to contest, and you just may win if you are prepared.
Solomon, Saltsman & Jamieson represents clients in civil
trials and is a licensed California law firm. All information in
this press release is based on California law.
The Law Offices of
Solomon, Saltsman & Jamieson hope you find these
resources useful and informative. |